Our Services:
Volume lash extensions | Hybrid lash extensions | Classic lash extensions | Lash extension removal
Keratin lash lift (with or without tint)

Volume Lash Extensions
For those girls who want a fuller, fluffy effect.
With Volume lashes, we add anywhere between 3-6 lightweight, super fine fans to each of your natural lashes to give you a fluffy, full effect.
(Note: we discuss the level of volume in your consultation.)
Volume lash extensions full set $150
allow up to 1:30hrs
Volume refills
2 week refill - 1hr $80
3 week refill - 1hr $85
4 week refill - 1:15hrs $120
Hybrid Lash Extensions
For those girls who want a tailored lash design; in between classic and volume lashes.
With Hybrid lashes, we apply a mix of classic and volume fans to give you more of a tailored, natural look, slightly fuller than classic lashes.
(Note: we discuss the level of volume in your consultation.)
Hybrid lash extensions full set $130
allow up to 1:30hrs
Hybrid refills
2 week refill - 1hr $70
3 week refill - 1hr $75
4 week refill - 1:15hrs $105

Classic Lash Extensions
For those girls who want just a natural everyday look.
With classic lashes, we apply one individual lash to each of your natural lashes to give you a natural lash look.
Classic lash extensions full set $110
allow up to 1:30hrs
Classic refills
2 week refill - 1hr $65
3 week refill - 1hr $70
4 week refill - 1:15hrs $85

Keratin Lash Lift
For those girls who want to keep it simple, yet elegant with less maintenance; the perfect alternative to lash extensions.
A lash lift perms (lifts) your natural lashes, we then nourish your lashes with a keratin treatment. A keratin lash lift lasts about 4-8 weeks depending on the speed of your lash cycle and the length of your natural lashes.
Keratin lash lift (no tint) $115
allow up to 1hr
Keratin Lash Lift & Tint
For those girls who want to keep it simple, yet elegant with less maintenance; the perfect alternative to lash extensions.
A lash lift perms (lifts) your natural lashes, we then nourish your lashes with a keratin treatment. A keratin lash lift lasts about 4-8 weeks depending on the speed of your lash cycle and the length of your natural lashes.
Keratin lash lift and tint $125
allow up to 1hr